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    Permitted Paid Engagement Visa

    What is the Permitted Paid Engagement visa?

    Like any other visa, a Permitted Paid Engagement visa is a document that allows you to legally stay in the United Kingdom. This specific document is designed for relatively short business trips: it is only valid for up to one month, but the process of obtaining it is easier than with other visas that are valid for longer terms, which is its main benefit. This document is only available with a specific list of professions and areas of work.

    The main downside of a PPE visa is that it cannot be extended. Moreover, the person won’t be able to apply for another visa while this document is valid, meaning it is only worth opting-in in case you’re sure your trip to the United Kingdom won’t need to be prolonged.

    Requirements for a Permitted Paid Engagement visa

    The first step when approaching the requirements relates to determining whether you need to obtain a visa at all. Some nationalities are allowed to stay in the UK for a specific period of time without a visa, which changes the approach to business trips. In such a case, you will only need to get a stamp at the Border Office. To do so, you will have to provide the invitation from your employee as well as the proof you’re going to operate within your area of expertise.

    For nationalities that need a visa to enter the United Kingdom, it is necessary to apply for the 1 month Permitted Paid Engagement visa online before travelling to the country. The application should be made within three months before the trip or shorter. The application is made on the official website of the UK government, where you can also find all the requirements, terms, and other details.

    Essentially, the main requirement to get the document is to officially work in one of the eligible industries. For example, this visa is used for artists, athletes, and even lawyers, who travel to the UK to represent their customers. There is a special section on the official website that allows you to check whether you comply with the requirements. The other terms imply that the person:

    • is at least 18 years old;
    • is travelling to the UK for a month or a shorter period;
    • will only work in their area of expertise;
    • is capable of supporting themselves financially during the period of stay;
    • is capable of paying for the onward journey.

    What you can do with a Permitted Paid Engagement visa?

    As it is a visa for a relatively short period of time, the assortment of activities available to the holder is rather limited. An example of such limitation would be that the holder won’t be able to perform paid services outside of their area of expertise. They are also not capable of staying in the United Kingdom for extended periods of time as well as passing to a different country. The holders are not able to claim governmental or other benefits and register marriages during the period of their stay as well.

    How to apply and fees

    The application is made online in the Permitted Paid Engagement visa UK section of the official website of the government. To apply, you will need to provide all the required documents, including the invitation letter from a permitted organisation. The fee for a PPE visa is £100, and the document is valid for no longer than one month.

    How can we help?

    With such a work visa, it is vital to make a correct application in order not to have delays or other issues with the job, and the professionals at Sterling Law are always ready to help. Our lawyers already have numerous successful cases with PPE visas and other permission documents in their experience, and they will provide you with all the assistance to maximise the chances of being approved. Fill out the form on this page, and we will reach out to you in no time.


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