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    UK Ancestry Visa

    People are often interested in: what is an ancestry visa and who is eligible to receive it. Anyone who lives on the territory of a country belonging to the Commonwealth and who has a grandparent who was born in the UK can apply for a UK ancestry visa. The applicant must fill out an online form and provide the necessary documents in the country of residence. He will also need to pay a visa processing fee.

    According to the permits, the validity period of the UK ancestry visa is considered 5 years. What rights the document gives to a foreign citizen:

    • the right to choose a place to live in the UK;
    • the right to work or study in this country.

    According to the ancestry visa requirements, its holder cannot gain access to the possession and disposal of public funds. He also does not have the right to change it to another type.

    When 5 years come to an end, according to the current law the holder of the ancestry visa can apply for indefinite leave to remain. This means that a person can continue living on the territory of the country. In addition, visa requirements will not be imposed on him. In the future, he will be given the opportunity to obtain citizenship.



    Obligatory requirements

    To apply for this visa, applicants must:

    • be a Commonwealth citizen and be over the age of 17;
    • prove that one of your grandparents was born in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man;
    • can and want to work in the UK;
    • have enough money to support themselves and all your dependants.

    You can also claim ancestry if you or your parents were adopted or your parents and grandparents were unmarried. But you are not eligible to claim UK ancestry through step-parents.


    What documents will be needed

    The ancestral visa UK will be issued only if the person who applied can officially prove that he is really a blood relative of the grandparents. They must be born in the UK and be its citizens at the time of birth.

    The full list of UK ancestry visa documents is presented below:

    • certificate of state registration of the fact of a person’s birth – the applicant’s birth certificate;
    • birth certificates of your parents, grandparents;
    • documents confirming the conclusion of marriage between relatives: marriage certificate of parents, marriage certificate of grandparents;
    • confirmation of planned activity in the UK (proposals from employers, business plans drawn up).


    How much will it cost

    The cost of getting the visa will be £531. In addition, the applicant will have to pay for medical services (NHS). Calculate how much you will have to pay here.

    Each applicant has the right to consider his application on a priority basis. It will cost him £800. The amount is not included in the ancestry visa UK cost.


    Application review time

    As practice shows, the application review period depends on each specific case. However, there is an average waiting time: from 3-8 weeks. If a person has sent an application for consideration in a priority order, then in some cases ancestry visa processing time can be 2-3 days.


    Assistance in obtaining the visa

    If you need professional assistance in ancestry visa guidance, please contact us. We will tell you how to avoid mistakes when collecting documents and making accompanying documentation. You will be able to use our experience and knowledge, which will increase the chances of obtaining the visa.



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