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    Another successful Global Talent for Software Engineer


    Mr. Ruslan Kosarenko, Miss. Ayat Robyn and our team of talented legal associates have successfully obtained an endorsement from Tech Nation for our client!

    Our client is a very prominent software engineer currently working at a famous social media company. He is credited with having founded several start-ups in his home country, which were recognised and funded by VCs in Singapore. This achievement resulted in the former President of his home country honouring him with an invite. Our lawyers submitted several documents of evidence which all spoke highly of our client’s achievements. However, in a bizarre turn of events, his endorsement was initially refused. We applied for a review and drew the endorsing body’s attention once again to the relevant documents and demonstrated that our client went above and beyond what was required by the guidelines.

    In a happy turn of events for our client, the endorsing body has overturned its original decision and has granted endorsement in the category of exceptional talent.


    Explore more on our Global Talent Tech Nation page

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