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    Unmarried Partner Visa

    As its name implies, the Unmarried Partner visa, which is also commonly referred to as the UK de Facto visa is a document that enables people who did not register their relationships to reside and work in the United Kingdom. The legislation corresponds to the standards of the modern world, allowing same-sex couples to register marriages as well.



    What qualifies as an Unmarried Partner relationship?

    Despite a widely-spread misconception, there is a very specific definition of unmarried partners stated in the immigration Rules and all the corresponding legislation. The definition implies that it is a couple of people who live together and have a romantic relationship for a period of two years and longer.

    Logically, this means that people in other forms of relationships cannot apply for an Unmarried Partnership visa in the UK. Even though the phrasing of the laws leaves some room for discussion, the relationships have to be marriage-like. The good news is that it applies to same-sex relationships as well, which is also reflected in documents like utility bills.

    Immigration status requirements

    There are several requirements for people who are going to apply for the Unmarried Couple visa in the UK:

    • they have to reside as a couple for two years or longer, while one of the people has to be British or possess an UK settled status; or
    • they have to be in a legally registered relationship that is recognized by the authorities of the United Kingdom; or
    • they need to agree to marry or register a civil partnership in no longer than six months from the moment of moving to the United Kingdom.

    Financial requirements for Unmarried Partners visa

    There are several points in the requirements to become an unmarried partner, meaning the person will need to match several additional criteria. Firstly, the person sponsoring a partner has to earn at least £18,600. With children, the amount is increased: up to £22,400 for a single kid and £2,400 for every kid on top of that.

    English language requirements for Unmarried Partners visa

    To apply for the Unmarried Spouse visa in the UK, it will also be necessary to prove their knowledge of the English language. The required level is A1, measured according to modern European standards. It includes both the abilities to read and speak.

    Other requirements for Unmarried Partners visa

    There are several other Unmarried visa UK requirements to keep in mind. To have the application approved, it will be also necessary for the person to:

    • terminate all the previous relationships like marriages and civil partnerships;
    • have a residential location prepared;
    • be of at least eighteen years old, which applies to both partners.

    Unmarried Partners visa: condition of stay

    After you apply for an Unmarried Partner visa in the UK and get approved, there are two possible terms of its validity. In case the application was made from outside of the United Kingdom, it will be valid for thirty-three months. In case the application is made from within the United Kingdom, the term is thirty months, which may be increased by thirty days in some cases.

    Does Unmarried Partners visa route lead to settlement?

    Yes, this document is compatible with the Indefinite Leave to Remain settlement. However, it is only available after living in the United Kingdom for five years straight.

    Unmarried Partners visa: how to apply and fees

    The process of applying is rather straightforward and intuitive, as it is done online. The Unmarried Partner visa UK cost is fixed, staying at the level of £1,033, in case the application is made from within the United Kingdom. In case it is made outside of the United Kingdom, the fee is £1,523. There is also an annual healthcare fee of £624 and a one-time fee for collecting the biometric information, which is a bit lower than £20.

    The applications are typically reviewed within the time frame of twelve weeks for offshore applications and of eight weeks for applications that were made on the territory of the United Kingdom. There is also an option to speed up this process by paying an additional fee. Note that in some cases, it may be prolonged, as an additional check may be required. It is better to prepare the corresponding Unmarried Partner visa uk evidence to pass the procedure smoothly.

    Unmarried Partners visa: refusals

    Of course, not all applications for this visa are approved. The most common reason for refusing an application relates to issues with the submitted information: whether the form is filled out incorrectly or whether the information itself is wrong, such an application will be refused. Moreover, it might be refused in case the application was sent to a sub-par standard and the Home Office of previous immigration offences has not been informed.

    Not getting the approval might feel devastating. However, our legal staff can help with improving the situation in following ways:

    • submit a new application;
    • lodge an appeal with the First-Tier Tribunal.

    How can we help?

    At Sterling Law, we have years of experience with Partner & Family visas and other documents allowing people to move to the United Kingdom. As this specific document is rather challenging to obtain, the safest option is to opt in for legal help, increasing the probability of approval.

    Our team offers its support throughout the entire process of application, including physical meetings and consultations. We are ready to help you with any question regarding the process, so feel free to contact us to start your application with confidence.


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