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    Case of our corporate immigration with Aliya Rimshelis

    Another brilliant case of our corporate immigration lawyer Aliya who represented the opera singer from Ukraine.

    She has secured a job offer at the National Opera studio. National Opera Studio is UK’s leading opera training organisation set up by the Arts Council England and the UK’s six leading opera companies 42 years ago to provide professional training of the highest calibre for singers and repertoires who have the potential to become the leading artists of their generation. During the auditions in the spring of 2021 our client has performed among the 50 other singers, where she was given the chance to proceed to the final round. As our client is originally from Donetsk that has been the centre of the occupied territories throughout the Donbas ( Ukraine) she lost everything in her home country. Her main goal was to become a part of the National Opera Studio where she could embrace her knowledge and experience and teach the younger generation of singers. She performed different repertoires such as oratorios, sacred works with an orchestra and choir and a capella pieces. WE were impressed by our client’s character combined with her vocal skills and we strongly believe this is a huge success to any project she would take part in the UK. We have submitted her case preparing all the required documents to prove her talent to the Arts Council and she has been granted Global Talent Visa under Exceptional talent route. She further was able to bring her partner with her to London as a PBS dependant who now has a chance to work in the UK in his sphere of practice.


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    Our Recent Successful cases for Global Talent:

    In the past 6 months, many things have changed. We were able to achieve a lot of positive results for our Global Talent clients and would be glad to share our experience with you.

    More Successful cases you can find here

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