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    Andrei Luca

    Director of risk and compliance

    About Andrei

    Andrei joined Sterling Law as an Immigration and Compliance Manager within our Corporate Immigration Department. Andrei is a qualified solicitor being admitted into the Romanian Bar Association Roll back in 2003. He holds a First-Class Bachelor’s (Honours) Degree in Law and a Master’s degree In EU Law with Merit from the University of Law Bucharest.

    Since moving to the UK, Andrei spent his last 10 years in a variety of roles (spanning from recruitment, training, compliance). His passion for Immigration started back in 2012, and since then he has been a member of Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JWCI) as well as, Immigration Law Practitioners Association (ILPA).

    Andrei supports our clients on a range of employment law and business immigration matters. He has developed close relationships with clients – particularly in the hospitality, retail and construction sectors. He consistently delivers training sessions, covering topics such as: the impact of Brexit on businesses; the UK’s current and future points-based immigration system; and conducting right to work checks.

    He supports clients on their applications to become registered sponsor licence holders and the subsequent process they are required to follow to engage overseas workers. He also assists clients with managing their sponsor licence obligations on an ongoing basis and has particular expertise in conducting and auditing right to work checks.

    His role in the London office also involves networking and maintaining boots on the ground, with a core focus on business development, customer experience and client engagement, while expanding the UK business into the corporate sphere.



    Master’s Degree with Merits in European Law Bachelor First Class Bachelor Degree in Law


    GDPR, CIPD Employment Law Train the Trainer HJT OISC Updates on EEA Rights

    Points based System and Schengen Visas Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment – LSIS London Information

    Advice and Guidance Level 3 – Sunderland University Teaching and Assessing Qualification

    Level 3 JCW

    OISC Immigration Caseworker Level 1 and 2

    NVQ Business Administration Level 3


    ILPA WEB 1098 Employing migrant workers: Skilled Workers, sponsorship & alternatives

    OISC Level 1 Accreditation: Introduction to immigration, asylum, nationality and EU law: 16 CPD OISC Level 1

    Accreditation: Online mock exams, regulations, ethics and more: 2 CPD

    Intermediate: EU law: Problem issues in permanent residence applications: 2 CPD

    Intermediate: General grounds for refusal: 2 CPD

    Intermediate: Appendix FM: family members 4 CPD

    Intermediate: Immigration Act 2016: 3 CPD

    Intermediate: Representing children in the immigration tribunal: 2 CPD

    Intermediate: Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules HC 813: 2 CPD

    Introduction to advising employers on immigration law: 1 CPD

    Introduction to best practice in immigration case working: 2 CPD

    Introduction to British nationality law: 2 CPD

    Introduction to EU free movement law and applications: 4 CPD

    Introduction to immigration appeals: 1 CPD

    Introduction to legal blogging: 1 CPD

    Introduction to preparing a Tier 2 (General) application: 1 CPD

    Introduction to refugee family reunion: 2 CPD

    Introduction to social media for lawyers: 2 CPD

    Introduction to the EU Settlement Scheme: 2 CPD

    Introduction to the UK asylum process: 2 CPD

    Introduction to visit visa applications: 1 CPD

    Introduction to work and study visas (the Points Based Immigration System): 1 CPD



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